Worship, Music,

& Lay Liturgical Ministry

“Then I will go to the altar of God, to God the joy of my youth,

and I will praise you with the harp, O God,  My God.”

Psalm 43:4


Worship is the cornerstone of our faith, and we honor the traditions that have provided comfort and respite throughout our church’s history. Our approach to the liturgy is a combination of the traditional interwoven with innovative variations. The Sunday service is broadcast on Facebook and YouTube. The Choir and Sanctuary Party are vested in accordance with their functions in the service, and the priest normally celebrates the Eucharist in the chasuble.

The Eucharistic Prayer and the Prayers of the people vary throughout the seasons and in addition to the prayers within the Book of Common Prayer, we also utilize elements from Enriching Our Worship, the New Zealand Prayer Book, and other sources. Once a season the Sunday service utilizes a special Children’s Eucharistic Prayer and the children encircle the altar during the consecration.

Worship Services:

  • Saturdays 5 PM - Holy Eucharist Rite II

  • Sundays 10 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II with Choir and Full Procession

  • Summer - 5 PM Saturdays and 9 AM Sundays

  • Taize - Periodically

  • Healing Prayers & Anointing - Monthly

There are several annual parochial celebrations that weave together the fabric of our community by focusing on and celebrating the individuals who form our congregation.

More information and a detailed description of our Liturgy, its seasonal variations and particular elements, as well as music, musical instruments, and choirs, are available here:

MUSIC Ministry

Music at Grace has long been an integral part of our worship; it both enhances the service and provides hope and beauty to our community. Music is an important element in our liturgy and the life of the parish, enhancing the worship experience. The Grace Church Choir consists of adult and youth singers, who lead us in song during the principal service from September to early June. In the summer months, there is a cantor Sundays at the nine o’clock service.

Lay Liturgical Ministry

Lay participation supports the framework of our liturgical and music ministries. The guild consists of over 50 Liturgical Ministers, including Subdeacons, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes, Usher-Greeters, and Sacristans. Many of the above ministers are cross-trained and are able to serve in more than one role, and several ministers are youth and children.