LAy Led Ministries

“For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, 

I was a stranger and you welcomed me...” Matthew 25:35

Immersion in community outreach ministries is a long tradition at Grace. Our feeding ministries are active and highly visible and are a direct response to the vital need within the city of New Bedford. Lay leadership and volunteers are dedicated to their missions because they enjoy working together and serving a vital function in the community. This sense of camaraderie incites new ideas and engages other individuals and groups throughout the community. As an example, several long-term volunteers are not members of the church but work with the ministries each week.

An indicator of the strength of lay leadership and commitment to the feeding ministries was the ability to quickly pivot and continue the ministries throughout the COVID lockdown, missing only one week in the transition period.